September 2011

Students pledge allegiance in Southington, Ct.

I am going to open up a potential can of worms with this one. But, regardless, for my own mind, I think it needs to be opened.

For most of my life I have recited the Pledge of Allegiance (I capitalize it because it is a written work, such as a poem or book) just because it’s “what you should do as an American” and as a child, I was told to do it. This droning recitation is done before many public meetings, start of school days, and even in many church related activities. Often you will find, up front  in churches, an American flag and the “Christian Flag”, to which there is yet another pledge.

The U.S. flag and the "Christian" flag at a church.

Lately I have grown more and more uneasy over the practice of the pledge. I will try to list for you several reasons. Some are based on my being a follower of Christ, and some are based on it contradicting  the foundations of the United States. Many who read this will have a knee-jerk reaction saying that anyone who opposes the Pledge of Allegiance is un-American and a danger to the U.S. To be “unpatriotic” in a time as this, I believe, is a danger to myself and my family in certain circles. So I do not take this conviction lightly.

First some history on the Pleadge of Allegiance. The Pledge of Allegiance was written in 1892 by Francis Bellamy , who was a Socialist. It was used as part of a campaign to instill dedication to country in youth by selling flags and magazines called “The Youth’s Companion”. The Masonic influence is especially apparent in The Youth’s Companion programs, in the Lyceum League of America, and in The Public School Celebration of 1892. The pledge was accompanied by an outstretched arm while standing at attention. It was changed to a hand covering the heart shortly after WWII. The pledge was modified over the years. The one you hear today was only recently accepted on June 14, 1954. So don’t think this is something that George Washington or any other founding father had done. It was all part of a marketing and indoctrination plan.

I’d like to disect the words of the pledge so we understand what it is saying in the first place. I beleive people are pledging because it’s what the masses do without understanding that it may not mean what they think it means. Words are important.

“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America…”

Have you ever looked up what it means to pledge allegiance? Pledging is a binding promise, and when you pledge allegiance, it puts you into a obligation as a vassal to his lord. It means that the flag is superior to you. Your putting a man made image above yourself. We arent even talking about a cause, or a government yet. This simply states that some man made object is superior to you. You owe it something. It is your lord. This is pure and simple idolatry.

“And to the republic, for which it stands…”

Now you are pledging allegiance to a republic, or nation. The United States whole purpose was to have a government be run by and serve its people. God is first and foremost sovereign, then people are sovereign, having inalienable freedom that was given to them by God. The nation is to have its allegiance to the people. “We the people” not “We the government”. By pledging your allegiance to the republic, you are handing over your God given freedoms which the forefathers sought to uphold in the Constitution.

Besides all that, if you believe Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Saviour, you can not serve two masters. Your allegiance is to His kingdom. You are a mere stranger in this land, a pilgrim just moving through. Should north Korean Christian pledge allegiance to North Korea and its flag?

“One nation under God, Indivisible”

Another history lesson. When the United States were formed, they were formed as united sovereign states. States had their own independent rights. They were united in the effort to be separate from Britain…which, when you think about it was not very Christian-like either, it was  rebellion to the governing government, in which taxes was a large issue. But anyway, the U.S. seems to have become one nation, indivisible, around the Civil War…which wasn’t very civil…is any war civil?

Another thing to think about is whether our nation is really “under God” in its intentions and heart. We know that all nations are under God. We read in the Bible that one day every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. But not every person will be doing this with rejoicing…Many will be bowing the knee and confessing in regret and sorrow. Take a step back and take a good look at the U.S. today. Is it really seeking to follow God? It is a democratic nation, meaning it does what the will of the majority want.

“With liberty and Justice for all”

As we saw earlier, this contradicits itself. You have already given up your liberty by putting the flag and nation above you as your lord. Justice? DO we know what true justice is? We will know when the Lord Jesus Christ returns!

The Pledge of Allegiance was written by a socialist to help sell flags to public schools and to conform young children to patriotism by chanting the pledge over and over everyday. In fact, the pledge used to include a socialist salute much like the one Adolph Hitler used. It was only changed to covering the heart after WWII because people weren’t comfortable with the way their children looked like Nazi Youth while pledging themselves.

Though I disagree with patriotism to country, this pledge is not very patriotic at all when you break it down and compare it with the Constitution, The Declaration of Independence, and the foundations of the U.S. But people have been brainwashed that it is the patriotic thing to do.

As a follower of Christ, I can not pledge my allegiance to a flag, or a nation.

Do you know of the event involving these men in the Bible? They were in a multitude of people who were told to bow down to a statue the king had made. If they didn’t, they would be thrown into a burning furnace.
I am curious if there are any situations you may have come across here in America that are similar to the situation Shadrach, Meshac, and Abednego went through? OK, maybe you weren’t threatened by a fiery furnace, but maybe you were/would be berated, ridiculed, brow-beaten, cut off, maybe endure physical harm.
I am curious how many think of the situation I have in mind. I will write about it in my next post.

Here’s a hint:

American children salute the flag.